Visual Support for Learning Monads
- Type:
- inproceedings
- Auteurs:
- T. Steenvoorden and Jurrien Stutterheim and Erik Barendsen and Rinus Plasmeijer
- Pertinence:
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- Date de publication:
- 12/2016
- Résumé:
- Permets de générer des représentations graphiques de programmes fonctionnels pour aider les étudiants à comprendre l'exécution de ces programmes.
- Abstract:
- Monads are an important topic in functional programming. In Haskell, for example, monadic I/O isthe only way to perform I/O at all. However, newcomers to functional programming, such as bach-elor students, often struggle with learning about monads. In other domains, graphical formalismssuch as Venn diagrams or commutative diagrams are often used to support students with a visuallearning preference in learning new concepts. Previously, we have developed a novel tool, calledTonic (Task-Oriented Notation Inferred from Code) that generates a graphical representation of themonadic structure of Clean programs, akin to flow diagrams. Tonic is integrated in the Clean com-piler, allowing us toautomaticallygenerate these blueprints from code. In this paper we describeand evaluate how we have used blueprints to help a group of second year bachelor’s students learnabout monads. We have found that using blueprints in the lecture slides and in the assignments havea positive impact. Visually oriented learners tend to appreciate blueprints, but tend to look at givenblueprints rather than constructing them themselves. Exam marks are on the same level or better thanprevious years, indicating students’ performance is not negatively affected. We conclude that Tonicshould be developed further, such that students can generate blueprints during code development.
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1 auteurs
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T. Steenvoorden and Jurrien Stutterheim and Erik Barendsen and Rinus Plasmeijer | 1 |