Liste des articles
92 articles
Titre Type Pertinence Auteurs Date Publication Références Citations Actions
PrettyProlog : A Java Interpreter and Visualizer of Prolog Programs inproceedings Moyenne Alessio Stalla and Viviana Mascardi and Maurizio Martelli 12/2008 1 0
Logichart: A Prolog Program Diagram and its Layout article Haute Yoshihiro Adachi and Yudai Furusawa 12/2006 1 0
Program Visualization – The State of the Art inproceedings Faible Sharon K. Ellershaw 12/2006 1 0
Narrative algorithm visualization inproceedings Moyenne Marina Blumenkrants and Hilla Starovisky and Ariel Shamir 12/2005 1 0
The SFC editor a graphical tool for algorithm development article Haute Watts, Tia 01/2004 0 1
Adaptive, Engaging, and Explanatory Visualization in a C Programming Course inproceedings Haute Peter Brusilovsky and Michael B. Spring 12/2003 1 0
A System for Building Animated Presentations over the Web inproceedings Moyenne Benedetto A. Colombo and Camil Demetrescu and Irene Finocchi and Luigi Laura 12/2002 1 0
Objects: visualization of behavior and state inproceedings Moyenne Wanda Dann and Toby Dragon and Stephen Cooper and Kevin Dietzler and Kathleen Ryan and Randy F. Paus... 12/2002 1 0
Interactive Visual Functional Programming article Moyenne Hanna, Keith 12/2001 1 0
A visual programming environment for functional languages inproceedings Haute Joel K Kelso 12/2001 4 0