IconicLisp: A Visual Lisp Programming
- Type:
- inproceedings
- Auteurs:
- Muhammed S. Al-Mulhem
- Pertinence:
- Référence:
- Doi:
- Mots-clés:
- Url:
- https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/IconicLisp%3A-A-Visual-Lisp-Programming-Al-Mulhem/c27547c683ae42f85a3c7b9dacc31d9900db4c80
- Date de publication:
- 12/2006
- Résumé:
- Abstract:
- This paper proposes a visual functional programming language called IconicLisp. The IconicLisp system is an interactive environment for the development of Lisp programs visually. It uses the Cons-Cell graphical notations to write visual Lisp programs. The syntax and the semantics of IconicLisp are based on the functional programming language Lisp. Once a visual program is developed, the IconicLisp system generates an equivalent textual Lisp program. The paper starts with an overview of the existing visual functional languages. Next, it gives a brief description of the cons-cell graphical notations. Finally, it shows an example of using the system and gives the conclusion.
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1 auteurs
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Muhammed S. Al-Mulhem | 1 |