Liste des articles
209 articles
Titre Type Pertinence Auteurs Date Publication Références Citations Actions
The Design of a Completely Visual Object-Oriented Programming Language article Haute Citrin, Wayne and Doherty, Michael and Zorn, Benjamin 07/1999 4 1
Similarity inheritance: a model of inheritance for declarative visual programming languages inproceedings Moyenne Margaret M. Burnett and Rebecca Anne Djang 12/1998 1 0
Constructing an Integrated Visual Programming Environment. article Haute Hu, Chung-Hua and Wang, Feng-Jian 07/1998 7 0
Web-Based Animation of Data Structures Using JAWAA article Moyenne Pierson, Willard C. and Rodger, Susan H. 12/1997 0 1
Sorting out sorting: A case study of software visualization for teaching computer science article Haute Baecker, Ronald 12/1997 0 1
Visualizing Evaluation in Scheme article Moyenne Sho-Huan Simon Tung 12/1997 2 0
Towards a visual programming environment for software development article Faible Geoffrey G. Roy and Joel K Kelso and Criag Standing 12/1997 5 1
Visual Logic Programming by Means of Diagram Transformations inproceedings Haute Jordi Puigsegur and Jaume Agustí-Cullell 12/1997 1 0
An Effective Web-based Software Visualization Learning Environment article Moyenne John Domingue and Paul Mulholland 12/1997 0 6
LSD: A Logic-Based Visual Language for Designing Structured Objects article Moyenne Philip T. Cox and Trevor J. Smedley 12/1997 1 0